Dr. Cui's Team Wins Runner-Up in DOE's 3D Solar Visibility Competition!
I’m proud to share that my team, GoBugFree, is a runner-up in the 3DSolarVisibility Prize by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the American-Made Program! The team was awarded $25,000 for creating one of the most accurate algorithms and tools in the competition to detect how much solar power is in the electricity grid at a given point in time. By creating a noteworthy tool, my team is playing a small part in catalyzing research and development on grid modernization. More specifically, our work enables utility companies and grid operators to make better informed decisions that optimize the distribution of solar energy technologies.
Our tool, along with other competitors’, were tested daily over a two-week period in two distribution networks through the publicly available, open-source data and software platform, Open Energy Data Initiative Solar Integration (OEDI SI). The OEDI SI team then compared participants’ performance against a set of industry standard metrics and selected GoBugFree as a top-performing team. Check out more about the prize and the other winning teams: https://www.herox.com/3D-Solar-Visibility-Prize/teams.