Research focuses on computational and analytical techniques for power systems: modeling, simulation, stability analysis, control, and software engineering
Research in power systems modeling and simulation, high-performance computing, and machine learning applications
Research and teaching in power systems and scientific computing
Research in power system simulation and open-source software development
Research in large-scale power system simulation and cyber-physical systems
New course development for graduate students with a focus on simulations
Advanced course covering numerical methods for power system analysis, including power flow, optimal power flow, and dynamic simulation. Emphasis on high-performance computing and modern software development practices.
Fundamentals of power system analysis, including per-unit systems, power flow studies, economic operation, and symmetrical components. Introduction to power system stability and protection.
Presented a novel open-source environment for applying reinforcement learning to power system control problems, featuring integration with ANDES for high-fidelity power system simulation.
Discussed innovative approaches to using power system simulators in engineering education, focusing on hands-on learning and real-world applications.
Mentored incoming engineering students during the summer bridge program, introducing them to power systems engineering and research opportunities in renewable energy integration.
Organized and led a field trip for undergraduate students to learn about electric cooperative operations, smart grid technologies, and career opportunities in power distribution.
Special Issue: Advances in Distributed Energy Resources Aggregation for the Low Carbon Future
Reviewer for two panels
Reviewer for three panels
Panel Reviewer for two panels
Expert in power system modeling, simulation, stability analysis, and control systems
Extensive experience in scientific computing and high-performance software development